Team Development


Otto Laske Interdevelopmental Institute (IDM)
Creating Collaborative Intelligence

Human work capability and complex thinking: Introducing the second, improved edition of MHD2 (2008)

In a time of increasing digitization of human resources and their management it is urgent to explain the limits of replacing human intelligence by algorithmic intelligence, or molding the use of human intelligence by algorithms. What is required is not only a deeper understanding of the human capability for work delivery, but the intrinsic limits...

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A New Approach to Dialog: Teaching the Dialectical Thought Form Framework (DTF)

Can you imagine being part of a dialog in which you not only listen to what your interlocutor is saying but also to the underlying structure of his or her thinking?  If you had knowledge of the thought form structure of human sense making, this way of listening, called “dialectical”, would enable you to point...

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A New Era Begins at the Interdevelopmental Institute, Gloucester, MA, USA (IDM)

As the Interdevelopmental Institute (IDM) enters a new era, it wants to communicate what it has learned and what, based on its learning over nearly 20 years, it can now deliver to CEOs and Boards. Find out how the Institute’s main methodology, called Constructive Developmental Framework (CDF), addresses contemporary issues such as the digital transformation...

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Invitation pour les consultants et coach français de renouveller leur profession

Comment les consultants et coach francais peuvent-ils renouveller leur profession utilisant le CDF (Constructive Developmental Framework)? https://www.paypal.com/webapps/hermes?token=5MN6985866069092K&useraction=commit&mfid=1488977403882_1d069d5a8c123#/checkout/login C’est là la question qui se pose se livre sur la découverte du potential humain, allant plus loin que les abstractions des sciences sociales contemporaines. En recherchant de nouvelles clefs pour l’engagement de l’adulte dans le processus de...

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Human Developmental Processes as Key to Creating Impactful Leadership

Copyright 2016 by Graham Boyd & Otto Laske In this article, the authors put forth a new approach to distributed leadership based on research in adult development and the pedagogical thought of Vygotsky, originator of the notion of zones of proximal development. The article attempts to re-totalize the issues neglected, or fragmented, by theories of...

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Living through four eras of cognitive development

This article is based on my research in adult cognitive development, published in Laske 2008 and 2015. It reminds the reader that his/her thinking undergoes life-long changes that have a dramatic impact on work effectiveness and quality of life, especially the latter. The notion that there are no changes in thinking after early adulthood is...

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